Ondanks de stijgende voedselproductie in Kenia verliest het land jaarlijks $ 1,5 miljard door voedselverspilling.
Globally one third of all food produced is lost and wasted. So if you think about the amount of tonnage that is huge and if you zoom into Sub-Saharan Africa actually half of fruits and vegetables never reach consumption.
In Kenia en in veel andere landen in Oost-Afrika gaat een groot deel van de productie verloren tijdens het productieproces, tijdens de opslag en gedurende het transport. Claire van Enk is opgegroeid in Kenia. Ze gaf een paar jaar geleden haar zakelijke carrière in managementadvisering op en begon Farm to Feed, een bedrijf dat zoekt naar een oplossing voor het probleem van de enorme voedselverspilling.
We are a start-up focusing on food rescue in Kenya.
Why does food needs to be rescued?
Yeah, so it has multiple different reasons, so perhaps I make it very practical. So just to show you little bit of the difference, right? So this is a great one capsicum and this is sort of the the other looking capsicum. It's just as fresh, it's grown from the same seeds, so farmers are dependent on brokers if things look different. Obviously, don't collect it from farms because there is like a higher risk. There's so many factors that go into growing that perfect looking size and vegetables that especially in a country like Kenya where not everything is super controlled in green houses and knowledge and things like that, it is just very difficult for farmers to grow exactly everything according to the specs. En the paradox is that one out of three canyons faces food and security at the same time we're throwing away all this food, not far away from urban centers. In Kenya a lot of people are dependent on farming. They have a farming background. They come from rural areas. There's so much sweat and tears going into growing food. Then you can imagine if even 10%, you can't sell or 20% and sometimes up to 50% and sometimes actually entire harvests come out looking small and you can imagine that if you don't earn income from your harvest, you don't have security to buy seeds for your next harvest.
Farm to Feed verzamelt gegevens over de oorzaken van voedselverspilling. Komt het door droogte, door slechte zaden of zijn er andere factoren in het spel? Ondertussen koopt men oogsten op die verloren dreigen te gaan en delen dit voedsel uit in sloppenwijken.
the fact that this exists, that this exists that this level is devastating. Africa's population is doubling by 2050. With that we have to double the farming practices and double the waste, that makes no sense.