In a field not far away is a herd of cows grazing quietly.
One of the cows is most unusual.
Blue Cow wonders.
Wonders about the big world beyond her field.
One day Blue Cow saw a beautiful fancy hat carried over her field on the wind.
“I wonder what it would be like to be somewhere where everyone is dressed up in fancy dress?”
“She’s off again,” said the other cows.
So Blue Cow caught the bus that stops beside her field.
“I’d like a ticket to a place where everyone is dressed up please.”
“There you go madam - hold very tightAnd they set off for a fancy dress parade.
And then they arrived.
Blue Cow couldn’t believe her eyes - Lots of children were wearing all sorts of fancy dress costumes.
Just then she heard the sound of squabbling behind her.
“It’s not fair,” said Laura, and stamped her foot, “I want to be a fairy too, I don’t want to be a knight in shining armour.”
“Well she can’t can she Mummy,” piped her sister, Rosie, “I’m the fairy.”
“Oh Dear,” said their Mother.
“Maybe I can help,” said Blue Cow
“Goodness!” exclaimed the mother. “That’s a wonderful costume. What an idea to come as a Blue Cow.”
“Actually this isn’t a costume, I really am blue, if you like Laura you could ride on my back”
“Oh!” gasped Laura, smiling. “That would be wonderful. Then I wouldn’t mind being a knight in shining armour at all.”
So Laura stopped being jealous of Rosie and climbed up onto Blue Cow.
But now Rosie was crying.
“It’s not fair,” she said, “I want to ride on Blue Cow too.”
“Oh Moo-ee, nobodies riding on me unless you can both stop being jealous and start enjoying yourselves – There’s plenty of room for two.”
“Sorry,” said Laura & Rosie and Laura helped her sister up onto Blue Cows’ back.
“Let the procession begin,” shouted the judge into his megaphone.
Blue Cow led with Laura and Rosie. Then came the banana, the chicken, the dragon, and all the pirates, princesses, witches and other fancy dress costumes.
“The winner of the fancy dress competition,” said the Judge, “Is the marvellous Blue Cow.”
“Moo-er, not again,” said Blue Cow. “This isn’t a fancy dress, I really am a Blue Cow”
The judge blushed. “Oh I am sorry Madam,” he apologised. “In that case the winner is the clown”
Everybody clapped and cheered and even Rosie and Laura weren’t jealous at all.
“You’ll never guess where I’ve been!”
“Where HAVE you been?”
“I have been to a fancy dress parade”
“Everyone knows that cows can’t be in fancy dress parades.”
But we know they can, don’t we?