Everyday is like a special day
We're having fun and play
with – everyone
Come and see
how easy it can be
Together you and me
and – everyone
Today we’re going to the zoo!!
The lions and the panthers -
they have big teeth
The Pink flamingos -
they have funny knees
A parrot can talk: ‘Yes we can’
An elephant is big – but a baby monkey’s small
The giraffe has a long neck - and a tiger roars
We love the animals
We love them all!
Come on, are you ready for the zoo?
Then make some noise, like the animals do!!
1,2,3 how easy it can
Come and you will see
we’re having fun now
a b c my friends are joining me
Together you and me
and - everyone
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and GO!!!