In a big muddy puddle
On a big muddy track,
I saw some giant footprints
Leading up the hill and back.
The footprints had no toes,
They were big and deep and round,
I wondered who had left them
On the muddy, muddy ground.
I waited until night time,
I was listening for a roar,
But from a cave behind a tree
I heard a giant SNORE.
I tip toed to the cave
And peeped into the black,
And there was a dinosaur
Sleeping on her back.
And on her dino tummy,
Cuddled in her dino paws,
Were little dino babies
With tiny dino claws.
I tip toed out into the night,
The moon was smiling down,
I think he knew the secret,
He knew what I had found.
I put my finger on my lips
And quietly walked back
To the big muddy puddle
On the big muddy track.
So when you cannot sleep
Listen for a distant snore,
You never know, you just might hear
A sleeping dinosaur.